winter ball

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2021 2:21:10 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]WINTER BALL



Slateport Park, to celebrate the ball, is decorated to the max. Copper-wire fairy lights are scattered along the trees, alongside a few makeshift paper snowflakes. If people look close enough, they're sure to see speakers tucked behind some trees; they're not the focus of the ball, so they've been fairly hidden, even while playing music. A few benches are set out along the sides, with tons of Winter-themed snacks and drinks- hot chocolate, with steam still rising from the cups, eggnog, cookies; mostly anything anyone could think of.
Everything is kid-friendly, though; the ball's meant for all ages.


As a social / character development based thread, rules are relatively scarce. Your characters are free to mingle and interact with whoever they like.
Occasionally, a Pokemon may bring a character a "gift", which will be flavor text of some sort. None of them will be actual items, and instead something random.
Theme is formal / semi-formal, with an emphasis on winter clothes, or anything winter-themed. Since it's Hoenn, there's no great expectation for anyone to wear outfits that will end up too hot.

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2021 3:53:36 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

The event isn’t something he’d been forced to go to like the Soiree or the strip club. No, not this time. Today, Paxton had forced himself to a social event he wasn’t working for all by himself. He’d gone back, deep, deep back into a time where he cared about his appearance and had invested a smidge of attention into his clothing. Not just that they were clean and pressed, but…styled. Not that he styled himself. No, he had walked into a department store, found a mannequin that he liked, and bout the entire outfit off of it in his size. Far more efficient way of styling clothing is you asked him. Plus, a bit of concealer, the use of proper shampoo and conditioner instead of a 3 in 1, and a power nap had all helped him clean up. More or less.

A coat hung off his shoulders in and attempt to keep away most of the chill. Leather gloved hands held up a cup of hot cocoa, steam curling off the edge of it. Getting here is the easy part, but mingling? That’s a little harder. As guests trickled in, he noted most tended to gravitate towards one another as the party started. Paxton was already at a disadvantage. He didn’t really know anyone here. Probably wouldn’t either. All his contacts were form Lillycove. Still, he couldn’t let that chase him. After all, he’d been through worse, been to seedier places. And, the cookies were delightful, actually.

His cocoa is fresh though, and as he waited for it to cool down enough so he could chug it, he would remain by the snack table. Occasionally one of his hands darted out for a yogurt covered pretzel. “I think I can make these at home…” he murmured to himself before stepping aside for someone to pass him. “Excuse me.”


+ @open | notes [break][break]




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triple h
september 14th
rustboro gym leader
champion (hoenn & vct)
now come together, come apart
4,046 posts
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TAG WITH @cian
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2021 6:05:45 GMT
"yogurt covered pretzel?"

that sounds...nice? gross? he's not quite sure. while he's busy mulling it over, he accidentally bumps into a stranger. gentle eyes flick up to meet theirs as he smiles.

"shit—sorry, man. i got distracted by pretzels."

a fair distraction, he's sure.

"have you tried any?"

- at the snacks table
- interacting with
- open! come join
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gia, gigi
november 12th
celadon city, kanto
in a stranger's lap.
5'6" height
5'6" height
when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
757 posts
giada morgan DOLLARS
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giada morgan
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2021 6:46:47 GMT
giada morgan Avatar
[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]it was, admittedly, a terrible idea to pregame for this.

she shows up in a flurry of red fabric, flushed and definitely a little wobbly. the santa hat miraculously survives the trip over. thank god for bobby pins...

what's first, though? there's so many pretty things to look at and try to not touch. sticky fingers and public events don't mesh, remember?

in the end, she settles on the snack table when a familiar head pops into sight. of course, she grabs two drinks on the way, an already prepped flask tucked into one of the thigh highs of her santa suit. she'll find out later if there's alcohol in these or not, maybe.

"helllo," she chirps, stopping just before she mows down 's company. oops, sorry ! her smile is bright, fuzzy at the edges. "wait, sorry, am i interrupting?" her eyes drift between them before settling on paxton in particular. attractive men stick together, huh? the smile widens at the thought.

and without really thinking that she doesn't currently have a free hand, she's extending on as if for a shake. the drink sloshes and spills slightly onto the ground.

"giada, nice to meet youu!"

winter ball.
hot mess express has arrived god bless :pray:

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2021 3:55:18 GMT
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if there was something artemis thought he needed to get over, it was the fact that he usually hung to one certain person in big crowds. first it had been , and then his brother for the five years after his supposed death. and no? even if the ball wasn't exactly crowded, and they were outside?


the taller man had agreed to come with him, and artemis felt grateful to him. for everything. for a second, he debates getting his attention to sign it on the way there, but decides against it just as quickly. later- when they're heading to reve's apartment, or something.

the dress isn't exacting something he's used to, but he finds he doesn't really mind it. it's light, and he doesn't feel too overdressed for the occasion, fortunately. especially since reve was wearing something similar; artemis had tried to tone down his own outfit to seem less formal this time.

speaking of reve....artemis nudged him a little with his shoulder to get their attention, offering a smile.

'it's pretty, isn't it?'
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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may 26
sunyshore, sinnoh
ranger, photojournalist
Artemis Chary
2 height
2 height
my god, i’m so lonely
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reve zajac DOLLARS
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reve zajac
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2021 3:31:32 GMT
reve zajac Avatar
Saying Reve is hesitant about the ball is an understatement.

After the disaster that was the Soirée, Reve’s acquired a healthy fear of such social gatherings. But Artemis was here, and he had asked him along, and, well. Reve was nothing if not supportive. Anything for Artemis Chary, right?

At least this time Artemis would be aware of his presence before, if any disaster were to occur. Not that he thinks it will, but. Just in case.

The shorter man stands beside him, in that beautiful dress Reve couldn’t help but admire. Pink and floor-length, Reve thinks it could look better on no one else.

Reve had been torn, almost choosing a piplup-blue gown for the frosty event, but ultimately had decided on the gown he now wears. Red and gold, he’s glad he did — he thinks it looks better alongside the blush pink.

There’s a nudge at his shoulder, so Reve looks to Artemis.

“...It is,” he agrees, being pulled from his thoughts. “It really is.” The fairy-lights make the park look magical, he thinks. Artemis looks right among this scene, he thinks, though Artemis would look right anywhere. As beautiful as he is.

“You look good,” he says. It’s awkward, but Artemis is his friend. He can compliment his friend. “The dress. Suits you.” He clears his throat, looking around the party. Now that he’s here, he’s unsure what else to do. The only person he knows is Artemis, but he doesn’t want to be overly-clingy. [break][break]
[break] @artemis but reve is open to interaction!
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2021 4:05:08 GMT



FERNANDO SILPH makes a sparse appearance at local events every so often. after all, he is the face of slateport. as their gym leader, the city falls onto him to represent. he’s their biggest proponent after its liberation from team rocket.

his bed lies well within the city’s proper.

his role in the festivities is that of an observer. most shy away from a man of his reputation and poise. the winter cold of his resting bitch face turns away those faint of heart. and the others? too busy enjoying their time with people they actually care about.

all of it means very little to him. simply being here, being spotted by its denizens and making small cameos in their pictures, is representation enough.

he enters the park with a cup of sawsbucks already fitted between the gloves had sewn him. while the ‘ball’ offered free snacks, fernando avoids relying on such amenities. why settle for free when he could stimulate the economy?

after all, he’s their biggest proponent—truly a man of the people.


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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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Martín del Mar
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2021 14:15:31 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

For a man who resides in Mauville City, much of Mars’ time happens to be spent in Slateport’s Upper District, since it’s right here, at walking distance from the park, that Piazza Oro Bank’s corporate headquarters stand tall and imposing – the building even being visible in the distance from where he is.
Is that what his presence at the winter ball is, then? Him going for a nice stroll after work and stumbling upon the festivities? Yes and no, for Mars will always be one to favour being informed about things like these, and he was admittedly curious when hearing about the ball.
Still, he was actually working until a few minutes ago, although his well-tailored suit and cashmere scarf would probably do very little to serve as a giveaway of this. Nor would the slight yet ever so perfect smile that illuminates his expression as he looks at his surroundings in search of anything that may spark his attention…
Or anyone.
”Silph. Didn’t take you for the sort of person who likes going for walks through the park.” The words are said with an obvious joking tone, even if Mars is well aware that is no conversationalist after his brief interaction with the man at the Hoenn Star Tournament. Would he ever remember their short battle? Probably not, considering how busy his schedule had been back then. Still, surely a successful businessman like him is well informed, no? Mars would expect as much, at least.
”Here to enjoy the festivities?”


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triple h
september 14th
rustboro gym leader
champion (hoenn & vct)
now come together, come apart
4,046 posts
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TAG WITH @cian
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2021 14:41:54 GMT
before his conversation with gains much (or any) traction, an interruption appears in the form of a familiar voice and a very familiar face and body. his eyes trail down her red outfit, admiring for moments before flicking back up to find her gaze elsewhere.

"nope! not at all. i was just asking my friend here if he's tried the pretzels."

friend who remains unnamed. cian turns, offering paxton a wave.

"cian, by the way!"

and not long after that, he's holding a yogurt-covered pretzel over 's way.

"try this."

- at the snacks table
- interacting with &
- open! come join
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla DOLLARS
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Eris Halla
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2021 17:02:40 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]amidst the laughter and the snow
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]waiting for a winter miracle
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Emotions flutter within her chest like a flock of butterflies, dancing along with the waltzing snowflakes as they drift from the skies above. Her mitten-covered hands clutch gently at the hems of her cloak, tugging it as if she'd gain even the slightest bit of good luck by doing so.
When was the last time she'd attended a Yule ball? In fact, had she ever been to a winter party like this? The holidays had always been spent with just family, for she'd lacked friends to share the cheer with. But now she had some, right? Precious friends like and who were nice enough to spend time with her and tolerated her antics, beloved family like , and who would somehow make time for her if she asked...
Reiner purrs as he slides underneath her arm, his maws curling to show the slightest bit of teeth as he tilts his head towards the crowd. It would be a waste to simply remain standing there and gawking at the decorations, no matter how pretty they were - is what he implies with the way he holds her hand with his tail.
But she's nervous, she tethers and sways from one foot to another as she looks around for familiar faces. Though there are a few, she doesn't quite want to intrude on their conversations if she can help it... So she sidles towards the benches, escorted by her watchful Luxray (who's honestly just happy that she's regaining the confidence to step outside the house again) to snag herself a mug of hot chocolate. Yet, a cat's tongue will mean that she has to wait a bit before she can take a sip, lightly blowing on the surface as they keep to a corner of their own.
[attr="class","adrie-note"]open! || outfit!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2021 17:32:39 GMT
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Elliott had made it his own personal mission to keep an eye on Cian ever since he'd told him what had happened during their tree-chopping escapade.

Call him paranoid. But he wanted to make sure that his best friend was alright.

So, he went to Slateport Park. He almost didn't show up because of the cold, but the nagging feeling in his stomach persuaded him. He had tugged on a coat and dressed in some of the winter clothes that a few companies had given him for modeling.

Fashionable enough, he'd say.

Of course, there were more people that he had expected, but of course people loved to get together during the winter time. Elliott shoved his hands in his coat pockets, walking around until he spotted his blonde-haired friend. He didn't appear to be alone either, which was a bit of a relief.

He was quiet until he reached the ground, throwing a punch at Cian's shoulder.

"What are ya doin', fucker?" he said, voice oozing mirth as he smirked at him.

"What's up."

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2021 17:44:52 GMT



“I GET THAT A LOT,” is the obvious counter. the tone makes the joke more than obvious but there’s always an underlying truth. it’s not the first time, nor will it be the last, that fernando gets type casted. and, with time, he has grown accustomed to it.

it makes his next words routine. predictable.

people think they know me based off what they see online and in the media.” he quiets down the awkwardness of his words with a prolonged sip. steam trails out of the cups peeled back lip.

but i am just a simple man.

it’s the same pretense he’s held onto others. , , even at some lengths.

here to enjoy the holiday cheer.


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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2021 1:23:15 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

Paxton is quick to offer a polite shake of his head, rebuffing the apology. “S’fine.” He mumbled reaching for another pretzel. Before he can walk away or say anything else really, another person join in. This one a little more festive than him or the other man. Decked out in red and a little flushed, she greeted them both. Again, he shook his head before taking a moment to introduce himself. “Paxton. Paxton Concordas.” He said as he looked at each person and tried to memorize names to faces. Even if the likelihood of seeing them both again was slim. As Cian fed Gia the pretzel, he encouraged her to taste. “Its sweet and salty. Pretty good.” He said.[break][break]

It’s not long before another, younger trainer showed up. This one as well, a companion of the Cian fellow. He gave him a small nod of acknowledgement. “Browsing the catering. Pretty dry so far.” He stated before stuffing another pretzel into his mouth. He stayed quiet for a minute, unsure how to proceed with strangers. It’d been a while since he’d been out to a party. A party that wasn’t work related, or involving any work friends. He was starting to realize just how dependent he was on his workplace to socialize with. [break][break]

To think he’d actually partied in high school. Oh, how low he’d fallen. As he was trying to think of something to say he noticed one mischievous little brat, . She somehow always found her way to big events like this. Good for her. He waited to catch her eye before offering a warm smile and a little wave to her and Reiner before looking back at is conversation partners. “How do ya’ll know…Cian?” he asked pausing for a moment to recall the blonde’s name. A moment too long probably.


+ @elliott | notes [break][break]




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Dom, Nic, Nicky
May 19
35 height
35 height
let's not forget we're flying.
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Dominic Grey DOLLARS
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Dominic Grey
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2021 1:54:05 GMT
Dominic Grey Avatar

A ball wasn't exactly his typical scene. There were usually so many people. And everyone there seemed to know the special, unwritten rules of social interaction like exactly what shoes you wear after a certain date and how much food was just enough to put on your plate so you didn't offend the host but also didn't look greedy.

Dom didn't want to look greedy. For the time being, he settled on comfortably awkward. Standing at the edge of the party, he adjusted his dark blue blazer so it didn't wrinkle so much across the chest. He absently touched the Pokeballs that were strung on his belt. He was pretty positive, though, that it would be rude to have them out at a crowded party. They were like a security blanket to him.

He fidgeted with his lapels again before shifting his attention to Romeo. Dom smiled. "You look nice." At least he had a familiar face here with him.
@romeo [break]outfit
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2021 2:16:06 GMT
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[attr="class","stylish2text"] What an excellent way to get to know how those of Hoenn celebrated the seasons. Thankful that he had made a few connections and acquaintances, Romeo had been informed of the ball a day or so prior to its arrival. And of course, he wouldn't miss a chance to dawn fancy wear and socialize with those present. He was curious as to the food and drinks present, but he figured they would be festive. And as such, he needed to be the same. Not only that, but he thought it a good idea to have a plus one for the event.
But who to ask? There were ample muses he had come across since his arrival. However, one, in particular, stood out a hair above the rest. A more recent acquaintance. Domonic Grey. They had met by happenstance, helping a Delibird deliver a sack of goodies to the people of Fallarbor Town. And after exchanging contacts, Romeo had danced with the idea of getting to know the man better. The gentle giant persona suited him well. The broad shoulders, his wavy hair, the friendliness in his smile. Oh yes, it was a no-brainer. And, after getting the okay to meet, Romeo began getting himself gussied up for the festivities.
The night arrives, and he's clad in an all-white suit. White mesh covers his upper chest and trails down the back of the suit coat that threatens to scrub the floor. His palms are covered in matching gloves of white, and his slacks of matching shade. A pair of loafers with snowflake decals of silver adorn his feet. And, for accessories, he sports a dark blue broach against his neck, and his hair is tied in a ponytail with a matching blue ribbon that hands over his shoulder as he nears Dominic and greets him with a wave. His pokeballs docked and situated against his belt. "Haha, that was my line." He chirps with mirth. "You look quite charming tonight."
He takes a moment to look Dom over and chuckles. "Nervous?" He queries, "would you like me to escort you to the snack table?" Romeo after moving two strands of hair from his face, extends a hand, giving Dominic a smile of warmth.
"Thanks for coming out."
[ outfit ]






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